MDGSF Software Engineer

如何使用 google 搜索


just type “how to use google”

just type “how to __” in google

you will get you want.

Exact Phrase 精确短语


What it does: searches for an exact phrase
What to type: "one small step for man"
What you'll get: results that include the exact phrase "one small step for man"

Excluded Words 排除某些单词

在单词前面加上一个小横杆 -,搜索的时候就会排除这个单词

What it does: excludes search results with a particular word or phrase
What to type: bass -fishing
What you'll get: results about bass that are not related to fishing

Similar Words

在单词前面加上波浪号 ~

What it does: searches for a word and all its synonyms
What to type: ~mobile phone
What you'll get: results with the word "phone" as well as "cell" "cellular" "wireless" etc.

Multiple Words

or 关键字

What it does: searches for webpages that include either word
What to type: vacation London OR Paris
What you'll get: results with the word "vacation" and either "London" or "Paris"

Numerical Ranges


What it does: searches for a range of numbers.
What to type: Willie Mays 1950...1960
What you'll get: results about Willie Mays during this time period

Find Meanings

define: 关键字

What it does: defines a word or phrase
What to type: define:plethora
What you'll get: links to definitions of the word "plethora"

Site Specific 指定网站


使用 site:
What it does: searches only particular websites.
What to type:global warming site:edu
What you'll get: references to global warming found on .edu websites.
输入: golang
在我的博客里面查找和 golang 相关的东西。

Linked Pages

What it does: searches for webpages that link to a particular website
What to type:
What you'll get: websites that link to the University of Michigan website

Math Answers

What it does: basic calculator functions
What to type: 4 + 7, 30% of 55, 20^2, sqrt(4), etc.
What you'll get: the answer



What it does: converts units of measure
What to type: cm in foot, 28C in F, $ in pound, days in fortnight, miles in league, mph in speed of light, etc.
What you'll get: the converted answer.



