MDGSF Software Engineer

[JavaScript] pm2 基础使用


pm2 官网


需要先安装 nodejs

npm install pm2@latest -g


pm2 -h    //查看帮助文档
pm2 list  //列出当前 pm2 管理的所有进程


# Start all applications
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

# Start only the app named worker-app
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --only worker-app

pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env production

# Stop all
pm2 stop ecosystem.config.js

# Restart all
pm2 start   ecosystem.config.js
## Or
pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js

# Reload all
pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js

# Delete all
pm2 delete ecosystem.config.js

配置文件 ecosystem.config.js

pm2 ecosystem 生成配置文件 ecosystem.config.js

module.exports = {
  apps: [
      // name (string) application name.
      name: 'filterServer',

      // script (string) script path relative to pm2 start.
      script: './filterServer.js',

      // cwd (string) the directory from which you app will be launched.
      cwd: './',

      // args (string) all arguments passed to script.
      // args: 'one two',

      // interpreter (string) interpreter absolute path (default to node)
      interpreter: 'node',

      // interpreter_args (string) option to pass to the interpreter.
      // interpreter_args: '-harmony',

      // instances (number) number of app instance to be launched.
      instances: 1,

      // true by default. if false, PM2 will not restart your app if it
      // crashes or ends peacefully
      autorestart: true,

      // a cron pattern to restart your app. Application must be running for
      // cron feature to work
      // cron_restart: '1 0 * * *',

      // watch (boolean) enable watch & restart feature, if a file change in the
      // folder or subfolder, your app will get reloaded.
      watch: false,

      // list of regex to ignore some file or folder names by the watch feature
      ignore_watch: ['[/\\]./', 'node_modules'],

      // your app will be restarted if it exceeds the amount of memory specified.
      // human-friendly format : it can be “10M”, “100K”, “2G” and so on…
      max_memory_restart: '1G',

      // exec_mode (string) mode to start your app, can be "cluster" or "fork".
      // default is "fork".
      exec_mode: 'fork',

      // (string) error file path (default to $HOME/.pm2/logs/XXXerr.log)
      // error_file: '',

      // output file path (default to $HOME/.pm2/logs/XXXout.log)
      out_file: '/dev/null',

      // pid file path (default to $HOME/.pm2/pid/
      // pid_file: '',

      env: {
        NODE_ENV: 'development',

      env_production: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production',


