MDGSF Software Engineer

[Network] 协程



ucontext 提供了 4 个函数,ubuntu 系统上头文件在 /usr/include/ucontext.h

/* Get user context and store it in variable pointed to by UCP.  */
extern int getcontext (ucontext_t *__ucp) __THROWNL;

/* Set user context from information of variable pointed to by UCP.  */
extern int setcontext (const ucontext_t *__ucp) __THROWNL;

/* Save current context in context variable pointed to by OUCP and set
   context from variable pointed to by UCP.  */
extern int swapcontext (ucontext_t *__restrict __oucp,
			const ucontext_t *__restrict __ucp) __THROWNL;

/* Manipulate user context UCP to continue with calling functions FUNC
   and the ARGC-1 parameters following ARGC when the context is used
   the next time in `setcontext' or `swapcontext'.

   We cannot say anything about the parameters FUNC takes; `void'
   is as good as any other choice.  */
extern void makecontext (ucontext_t *__ucp, void (*__func) (void),
			 int __argc, ...) __THROW;

可以使用 man getcontextman setcontextman swapcontextman makecontext 来 查看详细帮助文档。



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