use std::mem;
use std::str;
fn main() {
fn string_type() {
println!("\nhello string: {:?}", "hello world");
println!("hello byte string: {:?}", b"hello world");
let array_of_u8 = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100];
println!("array_of_u8 = {:?}", array_of_u8);
// [u8] to String
let string_utf8_lossy = String::from_utf8_lossy(&array_of_u8);
println!("string_utf8_lossy = {}", string_utf8_lossy);
// [u8] to String
let mut vec_of_u8 = vec![];
let string_utf8_result = String::from_utf8(vec_of_u8).unwrap();
println!("string_utf8_result = {}", string_utf8_result);
// [u8] to str
let str_utf8_result = str::from_utf8(&array_of_u8).unwrap();
println!("str_utf8_result = {}", str_utf8_result);
// [u8] to Vec<char>
let vec_of_chars: Vec<char> = array_of_u8.iter().map(|byte| *byte as char).collect();
println!("vec_of_chars = {:?}", vec_of_chars);
// Vec<char> to Vec<u8>
let vec_of_u8s: Vec<u8> = vec_of_chars.iter().map(|c| *c as u8).collect();
println!("vec_of_u8s = {:?}", vec_of_u8s);
// Vec<char> to String
let mut string_of_collected_chars: String = vec_of_chars.iter().collect();
println!("string_of_collected_chars = {}", string_of_collected_chars);
println!("string_of_collected_chars = {}", string_of_collected_chars);
// String to str
let str_slice = &string_of_collected_chars[..];
println!("str_slice = {}", &str_slice);
// String to [u8]
let array_of_u8_from_string = string_of_collected_chars.as_bytes();
println!("array_of_u8_from_string = {:?}", array_of_u8_from_string);
// String to Vec<char>
let vec_of_chars_from_string: Vec<char> = string_of_collected_chars.chars().collect();
println!("vec_of_chars_from_string = {:?}", vec_of_chars_from_string);
// merge string
let concat_strings = vec!["abc".to_string(), "def".to_string()].concat();
println!("concat_strings = {}", concat_strings);
let joined_strings = vec!["abc".to_string(), "def".to_string()].join("---");
println!("joined_strings = {}", joined_strings);
// str to String
let a = "hello world";
let b = "ok!";
let c = a.to_string();
let d = String::from(b);
let e = a.to_owned();
println!("a = {}", a);
println!("b = {}", b);
println!("c = {}", c);
println!("d = {}", d);
println!("e = {}", e);
// String + &str ==> String
let f = c + " --- " + b;
println!("f = {}", f);
// f32 + String ==> String
let num = 2019_u32;
let new_year = String::from(", happy new year");
let num_str = format!("{0}{1}", num, new_year);
println!("num_str = {}", num_str);
// char to String
let single_char: char = 'a';
let string_from_char: String = single_char.to_string();
println!("single_char = {}", single_char);
println!("string_from_char = {}", string_from_char);
// i32 to String
let single_i32: i32 = 32;
let string_from_i32: String = single_i32.to_string();
println!("string_from_i32 = {}", string_from_i32);
// String to i32
// let i32_from_string: i32 = string_from_i32.parse().unwrap();
// let i32_from_string = string_from_i32.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
let i32_from_string: i32 = string_from_i32.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
println!("i32_from_string = {}", i32_from_string);
// vec<&str> to vec<String>
let v = vec!["huangjian", "minieye"];
let vec_string = vec_str_to_vec_string(v);
println!("vec_string = {:?}", vec_string);
fn vec_str_to_vec_string(strs: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<String> {
println!("strs = {:?}", strs);
let mut result = Vec::new();
for i in &strs {
fn data_type() {
println!("Show Data Type");
let single_i8: i8 = 8;
let single_i16: i16 = 16;
let single_i32: i32 = 32;
let single_i64: i64 = 64;
let single_i128: i128 = 128;
println!("single_i8 = {}", single_i8);
println!("single_i16 = {}", single_i16);
println!("single_i32 = {}", single_i32);
println!("single_i64 = {}", single_i64);
println!("single_i128 = {}", single_i128);
let single_u8: u8 = 8;
let single_u16: u16 = 16;
let single_u32: u32 = 32;
let single_u64: u64 = 64;
let single_u128: u128 = 128;
println!("single_u8 = {}", single_u8);
println!("single_u16 = {}", single_u16);
println!("single_u32 = {}", single_u32);
println!("single_u64 = {}", single_u64);
println!("single_u128 = {}", single_u128);
println!("Decimal = {}", 98_222);
println!("Hex = {}", 0xff);
println!("Octal = {}", 0o77);
println!("Binary = {}", 0b1111_0000);
println!("Byte(u8) = {}", b'A');
let single_f32: f32 = 32.0;
let single_f64: f64 = 64.0;
println!("single_f32 = {}", single_f32);
println!("single_f64 = {}", single_f64);
// i32 to i64
let i64_from_i32 = single_i32 as i64;
println!("i64_from_i32 = {}", i64_from_i32);
// i32 to u32
let u32_from_i32 = single_i32 as u32;
println!("u32_from_i32 = {}", u32_from_i32);
// i32 to f64
let f64_from_i32 = single_i32 as f64;
println!("f64_from_i32 = {}", f64_from_i32);
// transmute is dangerous.
unsafe {
let a = [127u8, 0u8, 0u8, 1u8];
let b = mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(a);
println!("b_transmute_from_a = {}", b);
Given a string, find the longest substring which is palindrome.
给你一个数列和一个随机数字 A,你可以把数列中的每一个数字加上这个随机数字 A 或者减去这个随机数字 A,必须加上或者减去,不能不操作。问:要怎么样才能让操作之后的数列中的最大值和最小值间的距离最小。
数列:1 2 3 4 5
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 1 = 4
4 - 1 = 3
5 - 1 = 4
新的数列:2 3 4 3 4
最大值和最小值的距离就是 2
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 1 = 4
4 + 1 = 5
5 + 1 = 6
新的数列:2 3 4 5 6
最大值和最小值的距离就是 4
实现 copy on write 的两个方法
listen =
proxy = cow://aes-128-cfb:proxy1_password@111.222.333.444:5555
nohup cow &
listen = cow://aes-128-cfb:proxy1_password@
proxy = ss://aes-256-cfb:proxy2_password@proxy2_ip_addr:443
nohup cow &
run shadowsocks server
watch nvidia-smi
每隔两秒执行一次 nvidia-smi 命令
watch -d nvidia-smi
每隔两秒执行一次 nvidia-smi 命令,高亮与上一次结果不同的地方
watch -d -n 1 nvidia-smi
每隔一秒执行一次 nvidia-smi 命令,高亮与上一次结果不同的地方